Texas A&M Participates in National Hazing Prevention Week September 23 – 27
The week will be filled with hazing prevention education events.

Student Community Standards, a department within the Division of Student Affairs, is hosting a week full of events aimed at providing the Texas A&M community with hazing prevention education.
According to stophazing.org, any activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them, regardless of a person’s willingness to participate. The trauma experienced by individuals exposed to hazing may be evident immediately, or it may be delayed for months, years, or even decades after the process has concluded. Hazing is a violation of the Texas A&M University Student Rules, student organization policies and Texas State Law.
• Kick off event – Monday, Sept. 23 in Rudder Plaza
• Advisor Breakfast – Tuesday, Sept. 24 in Bethancourt Ballroom (Invite/RSVP only)
• Featured Speaker Lianne Kowiak – Wednesday, Sept. 25 in Rudder Theater
• Donut Haze Tabling Event – Thursday, Sept. 26 in the Memorial Student Center and Friday, Sept. 27 in Rudder Plaza
Organized by the Hazing Prevention Network, National Hazing Prevention Week (NHPW) is a time when communities, institutions, organizations and individuals make a concerted effort to raise awareness and increase education about hazing. NHPW is officially held the last full week of September each year. The fundamental objective is to have a specific time in which the entire community is focused on engaging in intentional discussions about the problem of hazing.
For more information on hazing prevention visit tx.ag/StopHazing.