Aggie Dictionary
Common Texas A&M Terminology defined
By Olivia Garza '23

Natalya Abrahamian '23
Former Student [fôrmər sto͞od(ə)nt] noun – the preferred term for an individual that is no longer a Texas A&M Student. This term comes from the university's early days, when many students would attend school long enough to gain the necessary training and education but would not always graduate.
Gig ‘Em [gig əm] verb – Today, the term Gig ‘Em is typically accompanied by thumbs-up gesture and seen as a universal sign of approval for Aggies and is a symbol of the Aggie Spirit. The Gig ‘Em sign showcases the Aggie Ring, which is traditionally worn on the right hand.
The term was popularized in 1930 by P.L. “Pinkie” Downs, a member of the Texas A&M Board of Regents and Class of 1906. Downs asked the crowd at a yell practice before the TCU football game, “What are we going to do to those Horned Frogs?” Improvising, he borrowed the name of a sharp-pronged frog hunting tool called a gig, answering his own question by saying “Gig ’em, Aggies!”
Good Bull [ɡo͝od bo͝ol] adj. – a phrase used to describe anything that embraces or promotes the Aggie Spirit or the traditions of Texas A&M. It is also used to signify approval of virtually anything.
Hiss [his] verb – to make a sharp sibilant sound as of the letter s. An Aggie sign of disapproval; a classier alternative to “booing.”
Howdy! [ˈhoudē] noun, interjection – the official greeting of Texas A&M.
Pass Back [pas bak] noun – a hand signal that informs students which yell to perform.
Reveille [ˈrevəlē] noun – the First Lady of Aggieland and Texas A&M’s official mascot. Reveille III was the first full-blood Rough Collie, and every Reveille since then has belonged to that breed.
Two Percenter [to͞o pəˈsentər] noun – a student who does not fully participate in Texas A&M traditions.
Whoop! [wo͞op] noun – an expression of approval or excitement. It is most often used at the end of an Aggie yell. Underclassmen are not supposed to say the word until they have reached either junior or senior status.
Wildcat [wīl(d)ˌkat] noun – an Aggie expression of approval and class pride; each academic class has its own wildcat.